Use this endpoint to check the balance on a card, either a plastic card or a virtual card.
More information including details of the request/response elements as well as examples are provided in the the API section of this site / the links below/ .
The API provides 2 different ways to request the balance:
1) Balance without a PIN (via the ‘BalanceNoPin’ endpoint) - see API section
2) Balance with a PIN (via the ‘Balance’ endpoint) - see API section
Balance without a PIN tends to be used where the cardholder is present, for example in store. In this case the Epos system should implement ‘BalanceNoPin’. Balance with a PIN tends to be used where the cardholder is not present, for example on the company website. In this case the webstore/website should implement ‘Balance’.
The (obvious) difference between the 2 endpoints is that the card’s PIN must be provided in the ‘Balance’ endpoint. If the PIN is not provided or is not the correct PIN for the card, the request will fail.
The header ActivatingMID-On is set to true if the caller wants the value of the activating mid to be returned in the response body. This header was introduced in response to a customer requirement for restricting the redemption of certain products based on the activating merchant.