The API provides the following set of card actions which can be operated on either a plastic card or a virtual card.
More information including details of the request/response elements as well as examples are provided in the the API section of this site / the links below/ .
1) Unfreeze a card (via the ‘Unfreeze’ endpoint) - see API section
2) Unlock a card (via the ‘Unlock’ endpoint) - see API section
If a card has been set to a status of “lost” or “stolen”, the card cannot be transacted (i.e. the card is ‘frozen’). Use the ‘Unfreeze’ endpoint to unfreeze the card and set the status of the card back to active, to enable the card to transact.
If a card has been set to a status of “locked”, the card cannot be transacted. A card is set to locked if an incorrect PIN has been entered 3 times. Use the ‘Unlock’ endpoint to unlock the card and set the status of the card back to active, to enable the card to transact.