Response Codes

Further Details


Transaction completed successfully.  No further action required.


Card number doesn't exist/not active


PIN is invalid

In the case of some transactions, this indicates that the card number either does not exist within the database or it exists but has status of "Valid, Not Sold".

For PIN-protected transactions, this code also indicate an incorrect PIN


Card is locked
This is returned in response to PIN-protected transactions when a card has been locked due to 3 subsequent transaction attempts with an incorrect PIN. The card can only be unlocked via the Card Status page in Card Manager


Merchant cannot complete the requested transaction against the card

This is a generic "catch all" response code used for all endpoints, and is returned in a number of different scenarios.

For example:
- where the Chain and or merchant is invalid; 

- if the merchant/card pan is set to "don't allow" the transaction;
if a daily limit is exceeded or if a currency mismatch occurs.

Due to the catch all nature of this response code we have further detail on its use here


This Merchant is invalid for the Pan.

For the Load, Balance and BalanceNoPIN endpoints, this is returned when a transaction cannot be completed due to a PAN/Merchant mismatch.


Transaction restricted due to merchant/card policy settings

For the Load endpoint, this is returned when a transaction cannot be completed due to a restriction configured in MID Transaction Control in the Connect Manager portal 


Partial purchase transaction

This may occur in response to a Redeem transaction. 

The card balance is insufficient to cover the transaction amount.

The entire remaining balance is debited from the card and this revised amount is returned in the amount field of the response message.

The integrator / merchant may offer the cardholder the choice at this point as to whether they wish to proceed and pay the outstanding amount by an alternative means. If the cardholder chooses not to proceed with partial payment, the transaction must be reversed


Exchange rate not present

The request message specifies a currency other than the card’s base currency, and the merchant does not have an exchange rate configured in Card Manager to allow currency conversion.


Card is expired

The card has passed its expiry date.  The expiry date will be returned in the Message field of the response message and should be displayed to the terminal operator.


Message details are incorrect

A combination of Card Number, Transaction Number and MID does not correspond with the original transaction.


Start/Expiry Date invalid


Transaction not found

The date provided is not in the future

Reversal failed as 1 or more elements provided to find transaction are incorrect.


Mandatory field(s) missing

One or more mandatory fields is missing from the request message.


Limit Breach

This is a generic response code that can occur in response to a Load or Refund transaction, when one of the following conditions has been breached, and will result in the transaction being declined:

Maximum load exceeded - The amount specified exceeds the maximum load limit configured for the merchant.

Minimum load not met - The amount specified is less than the minimum load limit configured for the merchant.

Maximum card balance exceeded - The amount specified would cause the card balance to exceed the maximum card balance limit configured for the merchant.


Lost / Stolen Card


Card Number is not active

This is returned in response to any message type when the card number in the message has been flagged as lost or stolen.

In the case of some transactions, this indicates that card number exists in the database but does not have a status code of "Active".


Configuration Problem

A generic error message indicating a problem with the MID, TID or Savvy Customer ID.